Community Code of Conduct

Oct 17, 2024


Every Community Member at Recess should aspire to:

  1. Get Things Done

Don’t just talk about it—do it. Build, create, and solve problems. If something is broken, fix it. Fail—learn from it and keep going. The harder the problem, the more exciting the solution.

  1. Contribute To The Good

Be a the teammate everyone wants on their team. Share credit when things go well, and own your mistakes. Lift others up. Be someone they can trust, and create space for everyone to express themselves.

  1. Level Up

Seek knowledge and ask questions with an open mind. Gain the ability to build what you want to see in the world. Don’t accept things as they are—think about how they could be better. Ask the right questions and find the best answers.

What others expect of you

(and what you should expect of them)

Be excellent to yourself

  • Everything you post, from a comment to a direct message, reflects on you. Avoid spamming the community with unnecessary or inappropriate content.

  • Push yourself. Do not shy away from a challenge. Do not settle for “good enough”.

Be excellent to your peers

  • Be friendly and welcoming

  • Be patient

  • Be thoughtful

    • Communication requires effort. Think about what you’ve written before you send it.

    • If you're unsure, it's okay take a moment to listen and learn.

  • Be respectful, especially when disagreeing.

  • Be charitable: always assume the best in others.

Contribute to the good

  • Share more than you take: make Recess a better place than it was when you arrived.

  • Inspire curiosity, and lift others up.

Here’s the bottom line: people are complicated. You should expect to make mistakes; to be misunderstood and to misunderstand others. And when this inevitably happens, take it as your test through fire. Resist blaming or being defensive. Seek to understand, to fix and to amend. A great community is the responsibility of everyone.

The obvious stuff

  1. Keep it clean in all community communications. Keep it PG.

  2. Share only appropriate content. If you wouldn't show it to your grandma, don't post it here.

  3. Do not discriminate against anyone based on age, nationality, race, (dis)ability, gender, beliefs, or any other characteristics.

  4. Do not spam the community. This includes repetitive posting and fraudulent activities.

  5. Treat others with respect. Do not engage in bullying, harassment, or insults ****directed at other community members. Be kind.

  6. Do not advertise products, services, or external content that encourages going off-platform, without asking a guide first. For example, advertising a Discord group or offline chat group.

  7. Do not share personal information about yourself or others without consent.

  8. Use our systems responsibly (unless you're doing something cool). Hackers, please apply for our engineering department instead.

  9. Be yourself - no impersonating other users, staff members, or official entities.

  10. Don’t be disruptive in conversations, classes or events. Derailing conversations is annoying to everyone.


We're all about having fun, but we also need to keep things cool. Here's how we handle rule-breakers:

  1. Three Strikes and You're Out

    • First Strike: We'll send you a warning. Consider it a gentle nudge back onto the right path.

    • Second Strike: Time for a short break. You might lose some privileges for 3-7 days.

    • Third Strike: If you still can't play nice, we might have to show you the door. Indefinitely. It's not you, it's... well, it is you.

  2. Except… If things get too serious, we might skip the strikes and go straight to removal. It's like a surprise ending, but less fun.

  3. Open Door Policy Got questions? Concerns? Jokes? (Please, no lame ones) Reach out to us anytime:

    • Email: [email protected]

    • DM: Any Recess staff member, or Joan C. if you don't know who to talk to!

Remember, we're all here to have a good time. Let's keep it awesome!